Skin Care Home Remedies

Natural homemade recipes for your skin are simple to make and cost-effective. What you put on your skin is just as important as what you eat. Commercial products often contain chemicals that are absorbed by your skin finding their way into the bloodstream which can be harmful to your overall health.

Virgin coconut oil/butter makes for a good moisturizer by providing a protective layer that locks in natural moisture. Coconut oil solidifies at temperatures below 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Place the coconut butter in small lip balm or eye cream jars or any small sterilized jar. For a lip balm, use coconut butter on its own or add peppermint or spearmint oil. As an acne treatment, add a couple of drops of tea tree, lavender, or patchouli oil. For wrinkles, add rose, orange or patchouli oil. To treat eczema, add chamomile, geranium, or orange oil. To treat broken capillaries, add rose, palmarosa, or parsley oil. To treat cellulite, add grapefruit, tangerine, or orange oil. For stretch marks, add palmarosa or neroli oil. To treat burns, add geranium, patchouli or lavender oil.

For sunburned skin, break open a leaf of an Aloe Vera plant and smooth onto the skin. The gel is also good for other types of burns and has soothing, cooling, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Strawberry juice, cucumbers and avocados are also soothing to sunburned skin.

For tired eyes, place cucumber slices over your eyes. For dark circles around your eyes, place cooled tea bags over your eyes.

For a homemade facial toner, mix green tea, chamomile or ginseng tea (made with mineral water or distilled water) with lavender or lemon oil. Green tea is rich in antioxidants which fight free radicals that damage and age the skin. Green tea is said to diminish fine lines. Lavender oil is a good toner and lemon oil is a good rejuvenator and toner. Add Vitamin C crystals as a preservative and antioxidant. MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) is a natural source of organic sulfur good for the skin. Add MSM crystals to your toner or eat high sulfur foods such as kale or watercress.

Prick a capsule of Vitamin A, E, or wheat germ oil and smooth directly onto your skin, add to coconut, almond or apricot oil, or to your toner. Vitamin A is a potent antioxidant and Vitamin E is said to slow down the aging process. Almond oil soothes and lubricates the skin. Apricot oil protects and softens the skin. Wheat germ oil promotes skin elasticity.

For a moisturizing and refreshing mask, mix avocado with shredded cucumber. Avocados are rich in protein and Vitamin A. Cucumbers are cooling and cleansing. Use a mashed banana for a skin firming mask.

To lighten age spots, rub lemon directly onto your skin.

For a body powder, mix cornstarch and baking soda with your favorite essential oil. For a foot powder, mix cornstarch, baking soda and tea tree or peppermint oil. Baking soda acts as a deodorizer and soothes the skin. Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic, germicide, antibacterial, and fungicide. Peppermint oil is soothing to the feet and swollen ankles.

Drinking plenty of water, eating raw fruits and vegetables, and getting plenty of rest are one of the best ways to achieving healthy and radiant skin. What goes into your body is reflective on your skin.

Elizabeth Kiely is the owner of EK Shower Caps

Natural Hair Get Creative With Homemade Recipes

Do you wear your hair natural? No lye? As many will tell you, once you make a change to go natural your hair regimen must also change. This frequently includes an adjustment to the types of products you use on your coils. A number of your old stand-bys may no longer lend you the same results on your kinks as they did on your straight hair.

Product junkies will agree -- you can spend hundreds of dollars testing out the numerous products available on the market, many of which are supposedly intended for natural hair use. However, breaking the bank is really not necessary for a healthy, strong and shiny natural. You already have key ingredients in your own kitchen and bathroom!

Creating your own hair recipes not only saves money, but allows for a more intimate relationship with your hair -- you can gain a much better insight as to what your hair craves, prefers, or rejects with your at-home experiments.

Get creative! There are a few simple rules to follow to find your perfect concoctions:

* Don't mix too many things at once. Start out with simple recipes, say, mixing one main ingredient and adding a small amount of another. It's much easier to determine what worked and what didn't when your ingredients list is limited.

* Create two-ingredient mixes and try them until you find a mix that works well on your hair. If it's a perfect mix, continue using it! If it's a pretty good mix, retry the recipe with the same main ingredient then alter the secondary ingredient until you reach perfection. You may find you need to reverse the amounts used, making the main ingredient the secondary ingredient.

* If there is one particular ingredient you find most always works well on your hair, make it a staple for your hair recipes, adding it as a standard part of all your recipes.

* Alter the way you apply the mixes to your hair. Try dousing your hair with your Super Yogurt Surprise while your hair is drenching wet in the shower. Does it work well this way? Try another time by making it a bit more liquidy and spritz it on your dried hair with a spray bottle. Perhaps your hair responds better to this application.

* For ingredients, a general rule of thumb is if it's ok to ingest, it's probably ok to apply to your hair as well. Pureed fruit, honey, apple cider vinegar and many more items are great additions to homemade hair recipes.

* Take note of what works for you and how it worked. Some recipes may be better for clarifying while others make for great deep conditioners.

* Search and compare! If you're a little timid about applying egg whites to your hair, make use of resources available to you before doing so. Search the Internet for your particular ingredients. You just may find others who have tried the same type of recipe and enjoyed success or experienced a nightmare.

* Go beyond your kitchen! Many cities have well-stocked health food and natural stores with a huge selection of ingredients to boost your hair recipes. Experiment with essential oils (a few drops go a long way!), xanthum gum (a thickener, also known as xanthan), as well as conditioners and leave-ins you won't likely find at department stores and drug stores.

Remember, a recipe failure is a good thing. It lets you know what your hair simply does not respond to well. The worst likely thing that can happen with the use of your homemade products is the need to wash your hair again, so get creative!

Note: Use of homemade mixes for coloring of hair is not recommended.

Elle Paris is the owner of My Natural which provides no-nonsense user reviews for hundreds of products for natural hair care.

Look Younger with a Healthy Skin

Do you wish you had more energy, less wrinkles, more stamina, cope better with stress? May be even turn the clock to look and feel younger. Yes! A lot of us do.

The truth is, it is possible and there is No Secrets. Feeling good and younger goes from the inside out. You can age gracefully with more energy, looking healthier and younger and have a glowing skin by taking five simple steps:

A Healthy Diet

The quality and quantity of the food you eat will have a direct reflection on your health, the look of your skin and hair as well as overall stamina. Avoid as much as possible commercially prepared meals and packaged foods. Eat natural, local fresh vegetables and fruits. Whole foods with the least processing, simply prepared contains more nutrients, vitamins and enzymes and are more useful for the body. A diet rich in fiber and antioxidant, whole grain, monounsaturated (canola and peanut oil, avocado) and polyunsaturated fats (nuts and seeds in general) will help your heart, lower your cholesterol and increase your overall energy. Free simple and easy healthy gourmet recipes good for your health and tasty to your palate.

Sleeping Well And Enough

While we sleep, we rejuvenate our body and relax our mind. It is a time where we restock our energy. Sleeping well and enough is very important for ultimate health. Comfortable bedroom and bed, enough fresh air, not too cold and not too hot, make sure you relax before you go to bed. Television and other stimulants are not good at bed time. It is recommended that you get between 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night. If you have trouble sleeping, go and see a doctor and find the cause of the insomnia. For women during menopause, imbalance hormones can be the cause of sleep disturbance. Apnea, snoring can also cause sleep interruption

Natural Skin Care Products

Skin care products like the food you eat have to be chosen very carefully. Synthetic chemicals and highly processed ingredients in personal care products can create unwanted skin conditions: premature aging of the skin, acne, dry skin or wrinkles. When you buy skin care products choose naturally made skin, make up, body and hair care. Like the food we eat, creams, moisturizers, cleansers are nutrition for the skin and affect our overall health as they penetrate the skin, the cells and get into the blood stream and various intern organs.

Relaxation And Me Time

In our society we are often under the pressure of things to do, dead lines, family obligation and overtime. We leave very little time for relaxation, time out and time to just pamper and take care of ourselves. It is important to take a break from our busy schedule for relaxation.


Fitness and exercise do not have to be excruciating to be efficient. Simply walking 30mn a day, using the stairs instead of the elevator, park your car a little further away in the supermarket parking can make a big different. Those are efficient little tricks when you have a busy life and are not able to find time to exercise time or just getting back into shape.

Catherine Potin invites you to Best Of Natural Skin Care and to join our Healthy and Younger Looking Skin Tips with expert advice delivered in your inbox and resources for natural skin care.

Hair Care Home Remedies

Save money and give yourself a break from the chemicals found in most hair care products by using the following natural home remedies.

Tame your frizzy hair by rubbing coconut oil into your hands and applying sparingly onto your hair. You don't want to overdo it - too much will make your hair look greasy. Shampooing your hair less frequently also helps with the frizzies. Excess shampooing strips natural oils from the hair.

Rinse your hair with one tablespoon baking soda mixed with one cup of water to get rid of shampoo build-up and styling residues.

Rinsing your hair with one juiced lemon and one cup of water is said to bring life and shine back to dull hair.

1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar mixed with two cups of water will give your hair shine and bounce.

Add essential oil of ylang ylang to your shampoo, conditioner and styling agents as a hair rejuvenator.

Ylang ylang and rosemary essential oils are also believed to stimulate hair growth.

Drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables and getting plenty of rest is probably the best way to achieving healthy hair.

What goes into your body is reflective on the outside including your hair.

Elizabeth Kiely is the owner of EK Shower Caps:

Homemade Acne Treatments Are They Really Working?

Treatments for acne can begin from your kitchen. There are several vegetables and fruits which can be used to cure acne.

Most people are not convinced about the effectiveness of the homemade acne treatments. But if you check the ingredients of popular medicines for acne you will find that most of them consist of substances found in common vegetables and fruits. Acne is the result of the lack of vital vitamins like Vitamin E, Vitamin A and Pantothenic Acid. Deficiency in these vitamins leads to the growth of bacteria that clogs the skin oil. This in turn leads to acne. Most of the medicines try to replenish the essential vitamins, which can be easily got by filling your diet with vegetable and fruits containing those vitamins.

Keeping the skin clean is an important part in the acne treatment. Cleaning the skin with lemon is an effective acne treatment. Lemon is used for several purposes mainly due to the presence of citric acid. The citric acid has several essential properties required to kill the harmful bacteria. Rub lemon on your skin before going to sleep and you will find a clear skin in the morning. Similarly, you can get rid of acne scars by applying tomato slice. Applying garlic on the spots is another effective homemade acne treatment. Mint juice also can remove skin lesions and scars.

Other homemade acne treatments include applying the paste of orange peels. This paste cleans the skin and fights harmful bacteria. Application of raw papayas can also bring relief to acne. Daily application of tea tree oil, coconut oil, lavender oil and jojoba oil before bathing for an hour can reduce acne. Including large amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet and drinking lot of water are part of acne treatment.

The success of homemade acne treatments depends on the dedication shown by the person. Simply rubbing lemon or tomato for a day will not cure acne. All home made acne treatments should be strictly followed for over a period of time.

We have made a research to find the best acne treatments. Find the results only on the Homemade acne treatments research More valuable acne info on

Natural Skin Care Mask

Healthy skin is one of the most common health and beauty concerns for people today, and rightfully so. Our skin is our bodies largest organ, and when our skin doesn?t look or feel good, it is exposed for the rest of the world to see.

Consequently, there are hundreds of companies selling thousands of products, all vying to have the best selling skin care product. Although this is not inherently bad, many of these companies charge an arm and a leg for products that are chemically based, pose a risk of skin irritation, and damage to the environment.

However, there are effective alternatives to chemical skin care. An all natural, home remedy can often achieve the same results as the chemically based products, but without any of the irritation or side effects.

One of the best forms of natural home skin care are masks. Masks can be made from a wide variety of ingredients at home to achieve whatever your skin care needs are. Furthermore, most of the ingredients are easy to find, and very affordable.

The most popular home made mask is an oatmeal mask It is a simple, completely safe mask, and it works perfectly for people with oily skin. The ingredients are as follows:

1/3 cup of fast cook oatmeal (1-3 minutes)

? cup of honey

? cup of water

Mix the water and the oatmeal together, and cook. Then, set the oatmeal aside to cool and thicken. As it is cooling, mix in the ? cup of honey. Once the mask is well mixed and cool, apply a thin even layer to the skin.

Be careful when applying this mask around the eyes. Though completely safe, the oatmeal can cause slight eye irritation. Better yet, place a used tea bag over the eyelids to reduce any redness or eye irritation.

The way this mask works is simple. The oatmeal in the mask is the primary ?active? ingredient. It works to absorb excess oil on the skin and in the pores. Oatmeal will also help remove excess skin cells, and exfoliate the skin. The honey is simply there to turn the oatmeal into a pasty, sticky consistency that will adhere to the skin.

Another all natural skin treatment is to use lemon juice to help exfoliate and freshen the skin.

Lemon juice is a fruit acid, AKA Alpha Hydroxy Acid. It works in a similar fashion to salicylic acid, except that it is 100% all natural. It will help exfoliate the skin by reducing the ?glue? that causes dead skin cells to stick to the skin.

This is one the simplest masks you can make, and is actually more of a ?rinse? than anything. The only ingredients needed are water and lemon juice. Mix 1 part water to 5 parts lemon juice, and massage the solution onto your face. Then, rinse your face with cool water. Make sure to rinse well, because it can cause skin irritation if left on too long.

Even though these are all natural, it is always best to consult a dermatologist before using any skin care treatment. When used properly, these masks are effective alternatives to many of the expensive, chemical products sold in stores.

Greg Podsakoff is a former acne sufferer, and the editor of

Homemade Skin Care Recipes Info

Looking for and making homemade skin care recipes can take a hurried, frustrating day and turn it into and evening of relaxation. Every part of your body can benefit from a natural recipe of only a few ingredients I have found that even one ingredient can give your skin or hair the nutrients that it's lacking. This is not a case of less is more, rather one natural ingredient has vitamins, minerals, or even antiseptic properties that will do wonders.

Having an understanding of just a few ingredients will start you off on the right direction. Jojoba oil is great for making moisturizers, but not good in the bath, where you would want to use grape seed oil. The grape seed oil and sunflower oil will mix with water. (The carrier oils) When you get into the essential oils many have benefits from giving energy, antiseptic, or just relaxing. These oils are strong so take care in using them and try on a small part of your skin first. Most homemade skin care recipes will have a carrier oil and an essential oil and there are many of each. So take a little time and read up on them.

One ingredient I like and can use in many recipes is Sha Butter. There are many body butters to chouse from, Cocoa Butter, Kukui Nut Butter, Kokum butter, Mango Butter and Sal Butter, just to name a few. Using them in lip balm to body butter recipes these ingredients are one that you will want to look into.

Then there is what I like to call HONEY!! ggg the kitchen ingredients. Even honey is found in face and hair recipes. Puffy eyes cucumbers, a good cleanser yogurt, nourishing face recipe will have a banana. For homemade alpha-hydroxy acid oranges mangos grapes just to name a few. There are many teas that are added to lotions, baths and yes for your eyes, leave the old tea bags in the refrigerator and use as needed. You can start your carrier oil section with your olive oil and sesame oil. Sesame oil is a good sun block that I use in my lip balms. We could get into the herbs and spices but you get the idea. But think out of the box like a good milk bath recipe but find it hard to buy whole milk (buy powered milk). Getting ingredients that you can use in many recipes cutes down your coasts.

Then there are the TOOLS. A Good Pyrex measuring cup, one that can go into the microwave, Measuring spoons Glass eye dropper, I keep a dozen around if I can't get the smell of an essential oil out of it, I will just use it for that oil, A small kitchen scale, Stainless or glass mixing bowls, I Like stainless just for the drop factor, Stainless whisk for mixing, Funnel, Strainer, Spatulas, Pestle and Mortar, A blender or food processor. Do you need them all NO. But the next time you are asked to a kitchen party keep this list in mind. These are the cheaper items to buy.

With just a little of your time you can be making and using your own homemade skin care, they make great gifts, and the possibilities for a Cottage industry.....may make you wonder.

Wayne'r has a web site Natural Skin Care Information on many of the ingredients used in homemade skin care recipes. Along withbook reviews for natural skin care. Oh yah and if you go to Homemade Skin Care Recipes page you will find many good recipes to start you off.

Great Beauty Secrets You Must Know


If you think today's obsession with beauty is something new, think again! Men AND women have been in touch with their bodies and beauty dating back as far as the ancient Egyptians. The Egyptian's concern was based as much on pleasing the ?gods? of their time as it was for personal adornment. In fact, it could be said that they prepared their bodies more for the ?afterlife? than the current time. All one need do is read about the tombs and mummies that have been excavated and study what was found. Lavish pictorial examples reveal how extravagantly the aristocracy lived their lives.

Just take a look at the detail the next time you have an opportunity to view Egyptian archaeology reports. Gold and silver bracelets, lapis and jade pendants, rings of gold studded with semi-precious stones. All are evidence of just how deeply involved the human race is with beauty and adornments.
The answer is yes and no. It?s a paradox, isn?t it? True beauty begins from the inside out. Don?t you wish there were some way to ?wriggle your nose? and regain that soft skin you had as a child? Well, until someone comes up with the true ?Fountain of Youth,? we are stuck with what we have. The best route to healthy skin is to take care of what you have. Sounds simple, doesn?t it? The truth is that your skin takes a beating from the environment every single day.

Here are some of our favorite tips for keeping your skin fresh and healthy:
1. Stay hydrated, and drink plenty of water! That doesn?t mean soda, caffeine or any other type of liquid even if it is low cal. Soda (even diet soda) has a high concentration of sodium. Sodium retains fluids. You need fluid that will hydrate and flush your body free of toxins. Make sure you are drinking at least 8 glasses a day!
2. Protect your skin from harmful ultra violet (UV) rays. We all love the sun. We love being in it and we love having a beautiful tan. The truth is you can poison yourself with too much sunshine. UV rays cause skin cancer, and if that isn?t bad enough, it causes your skin to age faster than it should, contributing to unsightly wrinkles. If you must play in the sun, make certain you are using an adequate sun screen. Don?t leave home without it!
3. Apply your sun screen even if you only make a quick trip to the grocery store. Yes, you can get harmful UV rays even while driving your car!
4. When you purchase sun screen, make certain you are buying the right tool for the job. There are different types of UV rays and they don?t all affect our skin in the same ways. The time of year also has a bearing on how much damage the sun can do to your skin. Altitude is another important factor. UV rays are more intense at high altitudes. Sunshine alone is not the culprit. You can do just as much damage to your skin (or in some cases even more) on a cloudy day!
5. Don?t forget sun screen for your lips. They want to be healthy too!
6. Apply your sunscreen BEFORE going outdoors and allow plenty of time for it to adequately absorb into your skin cells rather than just sitting on top of the skin.
7. Read the labels on skin care products. The truth is that some ingredients may do more harm than good. The more ingredients are listed, the more potential harm they can do to your skin.

They don?t call them the ?windows to the soul? for nothing! The eyes never lie. If you?re feeling and looking great, your eyes will shine and sparkle. If you?re sad and lonely your eyes will give you away every time.

If you have red, watery eyes due to allergies, deal with them! There are plenty of medications available to eliminate allergy symptoms. Nothing will detract from your appearance faster than red eyes.

If you wear eyeglasses, make certain that they do not detract from your appearance. Eyeglasses should complement your eyes, not cover them. If your frames are unattractive, it means you had the wrong sales person. Try again.

If you can wear them, consider switching to contact lenses. Make sure you remember to remove them when swimming. You can easily lose them in the pool or worse, if you wear soft lenses you could contract a cornea infection that comes from a parasite found in water. The chlorine won?t kill it and the result of this nasty little dude is not pleasant. You are inviting painful corneal infection that could cause partial or total blindness.
Try buying different colored lenses. You might discover a whole new you behind blue eyes!
Did you know . . . many ancient beauty treatments are still in use today? An example is the East Indian art of painting the hands and feet with Henna. It is known in India as Mendhi and is an ancient Indian art form which has been performed for generations not only in India, but the Middle East, Pakistan and in Africa as well. Women in India traditionally painted henna on their hands and feet, insides of their arms and up their shins most often for a wedding, or other special occasion. The intricate patterns on the hands are particularly beautiful.

Nothing will give away your age quicker than the condition of your hands. Let?s take a look at some tips to try and hold off the ravages of time.
While we don?t particularly recommend the practice of mendhi for everyday USA, it would be helpful in covering up some of those age spots, wouldn?t it? Try this tip. Apply vitamin E oil directly to the spots to fade the discoloration.

There is also a product that?s been around since Grandma was a youngster. It?s called porcelana and women have credited it for removing age spots for decades.
If you spend hours at a time on the computer, be sure you use a rest for your wrists. It will help ward off carpal tunnel syndrome.

Did you know . . . an average human being loses almost a cup of liquid a day through their feet? Or that a baby?s foot is made up almost entirely of cartilage? They will harden as the feet grow.
Keep a pumice stone handy so you can put it to work on those heels as you step out of the shower.

Use a few drops of essential oil in your next footbath! Pamper your feet. Treat yourself to a pedicure! Try a foot massage. It?s relaxing and rejuvenating. Try it on yourself or ask your partner and trade off. Everyone wins! If your ankles and feet are swelling, it?s a sure sign you are holding fluids. Try to avoid sitting for long periods at a time and cut down on your salt intake.

Stilettos are beautiful and yes, they do make you look sexy, HOWEVER, you should avoid long walks while wearing them. In fact, you should always wear sensible shoes. Ha! Fat chance, right? Seriously, what about a compromise? Wear sensible shoes when you are coming and/or going from work and keep the heels in a tote bag.

For extremely dry feet, lather on a layer of cocoa butter to each foot, slip your feet into plastic bags and pull on a pair of oversize socks. Leave on overnight while sleeping and when you awaken the next morning your feet will feel smooth, silky and soft.
Add milk to a footbath for softening the feet.

They say that a woman?s hair is her crowning glory. Even so, all women have those days when we wish we could cover every unwieldy strand!
Get a good hair cut! It all begins right here. Without a good hair cut, nothing else you do will give you the results you want.

In order to have a good hair cut, you need a great hair stylist and when you find one, keep him/her! Jumping around from stylist to stylist can be hazardous to your hair. The old adage about ?getting what you pay for? is very true when it comes to something as important as your stylist. Yes, it?s possible to find a good stylist at the ?fast hair? shops, but the cost to your hair while searching may be more than you care to spend. Fast hair shops usually employ new, young stylists with little experience. They earn a minimal wage and do not have to invest in hair care products to use on their clients. Stylists that you find in upscale shops and salons are usually independent contractors leasing space in the salon. The salon provides the work station, utilities and in some cases a receptionist to service the stylists. These stylists are generally more experienced and have built a solid clientele. They purchase their own products used in servicing their clients either from the salon or other suppliers and set their own prices.

Did you know . . . a knocked out tooth may be replanted if you act quickly? Don?t clean the tooth, just wrap it in a damp cloth and hustle off to the dentist. If you can get there within 30 minutes you?ve got a 90% chance of saving it. If you wear braces, get extra calcium. Adjusting the position of teeth can leave small gaps in the jawbone. These need to be replaced with new bone. Take it as a supplement or eat plenty of green leafy vegetables.

Did you know . . . even in the enlightened period of time we live in, most women do not conduct regular breast exams on themselves? So what is a segment on breast exam doing in a beauty book? Well, in order to use the tips in this guide, you have to be around to do it!
Make a self-exam of your breasts part of your daily beauty routine. It doesn?t take long and you can do it in the shower or in the bath. Just do it. More than 90 percent of all breast lumps are discovered by women themselves. The majority of all breast lumps are benign. One in ten women will develop breast cancer at some time in her life. Thus far, breast cancer cannot be prevented. But, with regular breast self-examination (BSE) and periodic screening, breast cancer can be detected early and treated properly! If you don?t know how to conduct the exam, ask your doctor for a chart that will teach you how. Then just do it!
Remember to keep a smile on your face!


In the beginning man worked hard to survive. He had many things to do. Hunting, keeping warm, finding berries, and taking care of his family. He did not have time to worry about being fat, as there wasn't an issue of fat. It was survival of the fittest, those that were not fit, perished, or had someone to watch over them. Man's goal was survival.
Women labored hard, and many died in childbirth. There were many deaths of their infants, so women kept reproducing to keep the family surviving. They scrubbed, cooked, gathered food and wood and tended after the children. They did not have time to worry about things that made them happy or not happy. Their goal was survival.

Well, times have changed, people don't work physically as hard as their ancestors did, they lose fewer children and the dying in labor has been brought down to a small percentage. Emergency hospitals with ambulances and new technology and medicines have saved the lives of countless people.
Living a Healthier life is rather simple. It is the matter of knowing some essential ingredients to happiness.

Statistics tell you the following:
?Those who are married are far happier than those who are not.
?Those who have some kind of faith or religion are happier
?Those who go to bed at night and sleep an average of 8 hours
?Those who have friends and family
?Those who are mentally and physically healthy
?Those who have a regular schedule to live by

Sure, having extra money makes people happier too. However, the above ingredients are the true essence of happiness. Money just adds extra. Having money and not the above can end up feeling pretty empty.

Water, you need water. Try to add at least 4 more glasses of water to your daily diet. The rule of thumb for water is 8 glasses per day; and one extra for every ten pounds overweight you are.

Fats, you need to know about fats. There are different kinds of fats. Some fats are better for you than others. A rule of thumb on fats is, stay away from hydrogenated fats. These are fats that solidify. They are in store bought cakes, cookies, crackers, chips and even in bran muffins. Read the labels.

Choose fats that are polyunsaturated or fats such as olive oil.
And, eat some fish to get some omega-3 fats.

Carbohydrates are your immediate fuel source. An average is about 55 percent of your diet in carbohydrates. So, a rule of thumb is, figure your protein grams, get around 25% fat per day, and the rest would be in carbohydrates.
The heavier you are, the more protein you need and the fewer carbohydrates you will need.
Fiber - work up to getting 25 grams of Fiber per day
Protein - averages about 20 percent.
Women divide weight by 2.2 and multiply that by .8 to get the kilograms.

For men it averages one gram per each kilogram of weight. So, a man would divide his weight in pounds by 2.2 then multiply that by .10
Fats - try not to exceed more than 25 percent fat in your daily diet. 30 percent is acceptable, too. That does not mean you can't have a junk food fast food hamburger ... it just means that if you do eat that 55 percent fat burger that you are going to have to cut down on other fat filled foods for the rest of the day to balance it out.

Make exchanges gradually. Suppose you drink whole milk ... work down to 2 percent, replacing two of your cups per day until you can completely change over. If you are on two percent milk, work down to 1 percent.
Add bran to your cereals for extra fiber. Also, add it in your baking.
You need to balance your diet with vegetables and fruits, too. Try adding different colors to your plate. Maybe an orange yam, and some green beans, to add color. More variety of food colors brings more variety of vitamins.

Eat more raw foods.
Remember, exchange things, add things, and do it gradually. Remember, live all things in life in moderation and soon you will be bouncy and vibrant and well on your way to living BEAUTIFULLY!
Source: ...

Adam Asar is the founder of and web sites and writes articles for these sites. He writes articles and content for several magazines and websites. Adam Asar manages for spiritual healing driven from the Holy book of Qur?an. He speaks three languages. Adam's sincere desire is to share the peace and love embodied in the (Holy) Qur?an teachings.

How To Make Bubble Bath With Inexpensive Ingredients

The luxury of soaking in a hot bath is a great stress reducer for many women. By adding certain scents, bubble bath, and essential oils to the bath water, we can create a totally relaxing experience or energize ourselves once again, depending on the products we use.

Unfortunately, many of the bath products available on the market are laced with harsh chemicals that can irritate our skin or even cause infections. You have to be careful in what you purchase and actually research your product choices carefully.

An alternative choice is to make your own bath products. By combining readily available ingredients along with a selection of essential oils, your bubble bath will help to enhance the softness of your skin, aid in stress reduction, and contribute to your mental health and well being.

What Ingredients Constitute Homemade Bubble Bath?

Let's look at some of the ingredients that you'll be using to mix up your own homemade bubble bath formula.

Distilled Water - You can purchase distilled water in most grocery stores. The benefit over using this type of water over regular tap water is that chlorine, all minerals and other impurities have been removed from it.

Liquid glycerin - This is a clear, thick liquid that is extracted from animal fats and vegetable oils, and is a by-product of soap manufacturing. It's purpose is to increase moisture and softness, plus it helps to create bubbles.

Castile Soap - This type of soap was originally made from olive oil although other types of oils can also be used, such as: coconut, almond, hemp, and jojoba.

Essential Oils - There are many oils that have many different purposes so you will need to research this area. For a soothing scent try oils like lavender, rosewood, sandalwood, chamomile, and myrrh. Some of the essential oils that can help you to feel energized and rejuvenated are eucalyptus, spearmint, peppermint, and lemon oil. Oils that are especially good at softening the skin include almond and coconut oil.

Simple Bubble Bath Recipe

Here is a very quick and easy recipe that anyone can make. Once you have it mixed, pour the mixture into an unbreakable bottle. As it doesn't have any chemical ingredients to preserve it, it would probably be safe to say you could store your bubble bath for one to two months.

1 quart warm distilled Water
1 Bar castile soap, grated
2 oz Liquid Glycerin
3 to 4 drops essential oil of choice

Mix the water and grated soap together until all the soap is dissolved. It's best to use warm to hot water for this, as it helps the soap dissolve faster. Add the glycerin and essential oil stir gently. This is safe to use for kids as well.

Bubble Bath For The Winter Months

We all know how miserable getting a cold or the flu can be. Here is a wonderful bubble bath recipe to soak in when you're sick since Eucalyptus can help your body fight cold symptoms and reduce congestion.

6 drops of eucalyptus oil
3 drops of spearmint oil
3 drops of peppermint oil
1 quart of distilled water (heated)
1 bar of castile soap. (4 oz. Bar), grated
4 ounces liquid glycerin

Mix the water and grated soap together until the soap has dissolved. Add the remaining ingredients, stir gently, and store in an unbreakable bottle.

Women are notorious for always being on the go and putting everyone else's health first. Just remember, it is also important that you take care of yourself as well. Allowing yourself to relax is part that care. Preparing your own homemade bubble bath with favorite essential oils is one great way to do this. Now go find that novel you?ve been wanting to read, take that deliciously soothing bath and melt away the stress of the day.

Rose Smith owns Total Beauty Tips, where you can learn to rejuvenate and revitalize your body with natural skin care solutions. We feature advice, products and information that will help make your total body feel smooth, soft and fabulous. Visit to learn more.